Your Apology Is Accepted

By August 17, 2013 May 29th, 2015 Atlanta Life Coach Online
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We have all been in a position where we had to apologize. The dreaded act of confronting ourselves with our own bad behavior is never easy but it is something we all must do periodically. How do we then make the right heart felt apology? Our patterns may have been to point the blame or make the apology but some how take it back in the same breathe. The apology allows us to own our mistakes but to also clear up any misunderstanding from all parties involved. The author Dream Hampton gives us five steps to an apology.

1. Say I’m Sorry
2. Here’s my understanding of how I hurt you.
3. I will never do this again.
4. Here’s how I’m going to make this right.
5. Please forgive me.

These powerful steps should be a guideline to help us navigate the apology with ease and with care. Also, take a look at the video and see how communication is vital in the art of the apology.

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